We follow Jesus, along the path of the Gospel, making together a path of conversion, unity and faith, in the School of Charity that is the Monastery. Thus, under the transforming action of the Holy Spirit, the heart is purified in an increasingly deeper experience of God.

As nuns, we consecrate ourselves entirely to God, constantly searching for his will and his face in prayer.

We dedicate several hours of the day to work, especially manual work, through which we seek our livelihood, in solidarity with all men.

We share the common table every day.

Solitude and silence constitute a strong moment of prayer that favours the memory of God throughout the day.

The personal and meditated reading of the Word of God, lectio divina, is an essential part of our charism.

We follow the path of humility and obedience, learning to love through discovering God's mercy in our lives.

The Eucharist is the heart and centre of our monastic journey. The Holy Mass is celebrated daily in the community.

Community life is also nourished by moments of dialogue and fraternal encounters.