You, Lord, seduced me,
and I let myself be seduced.
Jeremiah 20:7
Entering the monastery is a decisive moment in the history of those who have heard the call of God's love.
Become a Nun
Cistercian nuns are called by God to follow Christ along the path of the Gospel, interpreted by the Rule of Saint Benedict and the Cistercian tradition. Each person, according to the grace received, allows themselves to be formed by the love of God in a community that the Lord has gathered to be present in it in a particular way.
The monastic itinerary is oriented towards the progressive transformation of the person into the likeness of Christ through the action of the Holy Spirit.
Each community, as a school of the Lord's service, is called to preserve and transmit the heritage and genuine Cistercian charisma to those who enter it, paying attention to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the heart of each person and their need for spiritual healing.
The nuns, in this school of charity, progress in humility and self-knowledge and learn to love through the discovery of God's endearing mercy in their lives. By gradually letting go of false securities, they grow in filial obedience to God and run with an enlarged heart along the paths of the Lord's service.
If you feel that God may be calling you and you want to go deeper into it,
Contact us